Thursday, September 11, 2008

Visa: It's Not Here Yet

It's Everywhere You Want to Be ®

Still no sign of my visa. This week has been quite taxing, as I've been on the phone with a number of places trying to get people to grease the wheels on my visa.

First, at the recommendation of a friend who works for Rep. Mike Ferguson suggested I contact Rush Holt, a Congressmen who has an office close to where I live. Apparently contacting consulates on behalf of applicants is a common task for congressional offices. Also apparent is that they really can't help much. About ten phone calls and six emails later, all that resulted was a letter sent to the British Consulate in New York. Wow. Your Congressman at work for you! Please... To be fair the consulate has no obligation to listen to anything any office from any country other than their own has to say.

Second, the most logical place to put my chips is with my school. I have a wonderful contact in the International Office who has been helping me through ever issue I've encountered throughout the summer. Unfortunately, she wasn't very confident that she or her associate at the consulate could really help move things along any faster.

Finally, and most dead-endly, direct contact to the British Consulate in New York City was completely and wholly fruitless. I didn't even get past the automated message. Blech.

So here's where I stand: I have no plane ticket, no visa, no passport (because my passport was part of the visa application, so they still have it), and it's looking like I'm going to miss most if not all of orientation. Normally I wouldn't be that concerned about missing orientation but I've had all summer to sit and GUESS what school is going to be like, so any opportunity to gain a stronger familiarity with my surroundings is invaluable.

I reeeeeeeallly hope I can get out of here soon. I can feel my brain starting to turn to mush and I need to start doing something remotely intelligent with myself before I lose what little ability I have.

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