Monday, September 1, 2008

Is 22.94 an Age Milestone?

So this summer has ended, and I have (not) done something for the first time since I was about 16: failed to attend a concert. Now anything can be to blame for this. Money? Work? Lack of worthwhile concerts? Well, perhaps. In fact, work and lack of worthwhile concerts coupled with poor timing all summer (the one week I went on vacation there were three concerts I would've bought two tickets for just to prove how awesome I am) are contributing factors. But I think something more vile, sneaky and foul may be afoot...

I may be old.

Before throngs of people melee me with large sea bass and analog television sets (soon to be obsolete) for being whiny and lame (which I am), hear me out. Aside from not being able to drink like a pro as I used to in my prime (questionable), my body is aching like that of an old fart. I've been using far too much Aspercreme for someone my age. (Not) Seriously. But still. Also, I don't find some stupid movies as funny as I used to. Tropic Thunder? I heaved a nice, loud 'meh' when walking out-- markedly different from every other person I know who happened to realllllly like it.

Naturally, I'm pretty sure that I'm pandering to my neuroses and should ignore my irrational inability to cope with progressing through life. I suppose putting some of my crazy down on paper (?) helps.

For a much more interesting discussion about life, love and stuffed animal sex please make your way to a person I don't know but do know thanks to the interweb. (Insert Witty Title Here)

I leave you with two things. The first is one of the images a friend of mine took after an early morning run by her house in NJ, and the second is a clip that has been stuck in my head for a verrrrry long time. Without further adios...Makes me miss NJ every time!

I prefer the 'hip-hop' version, but still. Just brilliant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out.

Also, how does one take pictures while on a job? Lately my camera hasn't made the list of items to pack while running.

I've got enough of myself to be hauling around.

I think I'm just jealous. Darn.