Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm Alive!

So I've been meaning to do the 'I'm Alive!' post for months now (read: putting it off), but just couldn't find the time. School and life have been providing free rectal exams on a daily basis and because England has nationalized health care, they are gratis. Hard to pass up, really.

Some conclusions I've made since November:

1) Trying to write a long research paper without any preparation shortly before you plan to permanently return home after being away for a year is a bad idea.

2) Allergies are a pain in the ass no matter what continent you live on.

3) Unless you keep yourself socially active when away from home, even the most independent world-traveler will miss it, that and them.

4) People watching is a hobby that knows no borders or boundaries, and is universally entertaining.

5) Flights are so damn cheap in Europe.

6) Flights are so damn expensive in The States.

7) Even when work, school, family, x, y and z suck, cooking can save your brain from meltdown.

8) England is cold, even in 'summer.'

9) Even if it's cold out, a poorly-ventilated flat can be a fully-functioning sauna.

10) Regrets area waste of time-- reflect and move on. Although... I still can't believe I ditched on one of my dreams: to fly somewhere for a day to see a concert, then fly back (Paris, Yeah Yeah Yeahs); just to finish a paper that I didn't work on that day and ended up bombing.

11) (I prefer odd numbers to even ones) Life will always surprise you, moreso when you think you know what the hell is going on.

That is all. I intend to be a little more active in the future as distractions keep me sane when the odds are against my keeping out of a proverbial straight-jacket. Keeps it real!

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